VIDEO: This is my club now

Sunderland loanee Martin Smith on his debut and move to Carlisle

Click the ‘play’ icon on the above video to watch our full post-match interview with Sunderland loanee Martin Smith following his debut against Wycombe Wanderers on Saturday. 

Speaking to the written press about his loan move, he said: “Everything about the club is probably what I expected. There are a lot of strong characters in the dressing room and the manager is the same. 

“Expectations are high and we go into every game to win it. That’s how it has to be between now and the end of the season because we want to push up the table as high as we can, hopefully into the play-offs.” 

He also revealed after the game that conversations with Newcastle rivals Alex Gilliead and Macaulay Gillesphey had helped with his decision making process ahead of agreeing to his move over to Cumbria.

“Speaking to the two Newcastle lads definitely helped me to make a decision,” he said. “I knew them anyway, because I’ve played against them a lot over the years, so I got on well with them straight away.

“They talked about how good the set-up is here and I can only be grateful for the chance I’ve been given. Everyone has been great with me and I’m pleased that this has turned into a longer stay.”

“I joined Sunderland when I was six years old and I only live a short walk away from the training ground,” he explained. “It’s my home town club and I have a lot of love for it. They’re my parent club and I’ll always support them.

“Having said that, Carlisle United has to be my focus. In my head this is my club now. It’s the only way it can be. I’ll be here every day and doing everything I can to be involved.

“We’ve got two good games coming up in three or four days next weekend and we’re all looking forward to that. We’ll definitely be looking to win them both.”

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