MANAGER: He was full of passion, pleasure and happiness

Keith Curle with a fond farewell to club director Dick Young

Manager Keith Curle spoke to us about the sad news that commercial director Dick Young had passed away on Friday morning.

“It’s devastating news for the football club and for his family,” he said. “Our sympathies and condolences go out to them all. He was a gentleman who had Carlisle United at heart. Everything he wanted was for the betterment of the football club. 

“Whatever was going on at the club, he always had Carlisle United at heart. I knew Dick for a short time but he was somebody who was welcoming, friendly, appreciative and understanding of the role I had within the club. 

“He was very respectful of the profession we were working in and what we represent. That welcome and that smiling face is something that doesn't just epitomise Dick, but also his approach to Carlisle United.”  

“Everybody who came into contact with Dick was met with that enthusiastic, welcoming smile,” he added. “When you spoke to Dick you felt as if you belonged to the football club because it was ingrained in him. He was full of passion, pleasure and happiness. 

“When people came here Dick wanted to welcome them. He gave me a warm welcome, as he did with everyone. He was always there for a chat and he always had an opinion on football. He had a good understanding of football and professionalism. 

“He wanted the best for this football club in every department. When I think about Dick I think about how professional he was. He was a proper gentleman and a proper Carlisle United man.”

And on the minute of applause to be held at today’s game, he said: “It will be very difficult when we mark his passing. Hopefully his family are able to appreciate the small token that a minute's applause is, but it will mean a great deal to a lot of people who had a working and football relationship with Dick. 

“A minute's applause doesn't seem enough, but it's meant in the right way and it’s the least we can do.” 
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