EFL: Whole Game Solution consultation begins

Discussion held at EFL Summer meeting

At their 2016 Summer Conference, EFL clubs have discussed the Whole Game Solution proposals put forward recently by the EFL Board. 

EFL Chief Executive, Shaun Harvey said: "I would like to commend clubs for engaging in an open-minded and thought provoking discussion of these important matters. 

"As outlined at outset, any decisions can only be made by clubs themselves and it was therefore essential that they had the opportunity to hear more about the thinking that has underpinned the Board's approach and were able to debate all the relevant issues. 

"Clubs have asked for more information, further consultation and the opportunity to discuss additional matters at subsequent meetings during 2016/17. 

“In parallel, we will develop discussions with the FA and Premier League alongside other stakeholders across football, as we look to find what is best for the English game."

The final decision in respect to these proposals will need to be taken by clubs in June 2017.
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