GALLERY: Dick Young Memorial Golf Day a huge success

Teams battle it out at enjoyable golf day

Carlisle Golf Club hosted the CUFC Annual Golf Day - held in memory of Club Director Dick Young - again this year with teams braving the damp conditions to put on an excellent show.

Prizes were won as putts were holed but, most importantly, it was smiles all round as club partners, sponsors and friends came together to enjoy the event.

Sales and Marketing Director Phil King said: "A lot of organisation goes into staging an event like this but it's most definitely worthwhile when you see it all come together and when you see the teams head out onto the course.

"We felt it was a special way to remember Dick [Young] as well, because he had become very closely associated with the Golf Day in recent years. It was a very good day and we'd like to thank all of the sponsors and people who were involved in helping us to run it so smoothly."

Thanks to Mark Fuller for capturing these images.
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