COMMERCIAL: Golf Day raises cash for Charity Partners

Annual Golf Day another big success

The Carlisle United Dick Young Memorial Golf Day was another huge success this year as the event, staged at Carlisle Golf Club, brought businesses, sponsors and partners, golf enthusiasts and first team players and management together in what turned out to be near-perfect [cough] golfing conditions.

A grand total of £760 was raised for our official Charity Partners – CUFC Community Sports Trust, Hospice at Home and Carlisle Key – with Barclays Bank donating £380 to match the amount raised by the teams on the day.

Club Vice-President and event organiser Alan Irving said: “We’ve been running this for almost ten years now, on and off, and it’s always been extremely successful. It brings the club and the wider community closer together and it helps to raise a bit of money for some good causes as well. That can only ever be a good thing.”

Sales and Marketing Director Phil King said: “A lot of work goes in to putting something like this on and we’d like to thank all of those businesses and individuals who have played their part along the way. The reward for us all is to see everyone out on the course enjoying themselves and that was certainly the case on the day.”

Click play on the video above to watch Alan Irving, Phil King and Chief Executive Nigel Clibbens as they talk about the annual Golf Day.
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