MANAGER: A game against a team in good form

Keith Curle ahead of the Wimbledon away game

Manager Keith Curle spoke to us about Tuesday night’s trip into London to face Wimbledon.

“The preparation for the Wimbledon game started as soon as the final whistle blew on Saturday,” he said. “We spoke to the lads about what had been done in the Stevenage game, right and wrong, and it was then about making sure everybody was thinking about the next game.

“Sleep patterns count with that as well because we want to make sure the players are resting properly. Rest and recovery go hand-in-hand, so we monitor that.”

“We travelled down on Monday morning and we loosened up when we get to the hotel,” he explained. “Tuesday morning will be used to work on shape and it will very much be a tactical and technical morning. 

“It’s then into a game against a team who are well in form and who will give us a real test.” 

“We looked on WyScout at how Wimbledon have played recently and the coaches make their own notes on what they see. We then get together to look at the best way of causing them a few problems.  

“We know what Wimbledon are about and we’re looking forward to it. They’re on a great run at the moment so there’ll be a lot of confidence there. We’ll need a manly, physical performance but we’ll need quality as well. However, anything they get out of the game they will have to earn, as will we.”

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