INTERVIEW: I was flabbergasted

Jabo Ibehre on his red card and the Stevenage game

Striker Jabo Ibehre spoke to us on Friday morning following the news his red card against Accrington had been rescinded.

"I'm obviously really pleased my red card has been rescinded," he told us. "I was a bit nervous because you don't know how the appeals are going to turn out, but thankfully it went in my favour.

"I was flabbergasted when the red card came out. We'd just kicked off and the ball got played in the air. The gaffer shouted 'get it under' so I was looking at the ball and I just turned to try and bring it down.

"The next thing I knew their player was rolling around on the floor. I wasn't sure what was wrong with him but I was ready to get on with the game. I didn't expect the ref to blow his whistle then their players started crowding round me and I was wondering if I'd done something wrong.

"Then he pulled out the red card. I just went 'oh my God', it was unbelievable. I was absolutely shocked but I'm just thankful it's been rescinded and we can move on from it."

"I was gutted when I was walking back to the dressing room," he explained. "On some occasions you get a red card and you know what you've done and why you've been sent off. On this occasion I was just thinking to myself - what did I actually do. I was annoyed and disappointed because the game had just started. I really wanted to see it back because I was a bit bewildered.

"When I did see it back I thought it was very harsh. I was really thankful that we managed to hold on for the point even though I was absolutely buzzing when we took the lead.

"Some teams would have gone under after getting a man sent off so early but the lads were fantastic. Charlie [Wyke] worked hard up front on his own, Alex [McQueen] was giving us some good width on the right, but to a man everyone was fantastic and that's what we're all about. When things go against us we seem to get better and harder to beat."

"I heard after the match that it was the fourth fastest sending off ever," he said. "It isn't really one of those records you want on your CV! It was so quick, I couldn't believe it.

"I was hoping we would appeal it as soon as I'd seen the footage. I was walking off the pitch and I really wasn't sure what I'd actually done, so if we could appeal it I thought we had to.

"I would have been devastated to miss three vital games. I'm so grateful it was appealed and it went the right way. I just want to crack on now, I want to score some goals and I'm feeling really up for it."

"I want to add to my goal tally," he commented. "I've been more like the silent assassin lately so it would be nice to get back amongst the goals. I feel good again so hopefully I can crack on from there."

"Accrington were a good side who are going well in the league," he concluded. "We've played well both times we've faced them in the last couple of weeks. Home form is vital, we're looking forward to being at Brunton Park again tomorrow and kicking the season on again against Stevenage."

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