INTERVIEW: Back to business

Michael Raynes on the Everton game and getting back to business

Defender and team captain Michael Raynes spoke to us following the FA Cup fourth round defeat to Everton on Sunday.

"I think we saw the gulf between us and the Premier League today," he told us. "We were taught a massive lesson but we'll take the positives from it.

"We gave it a good go in front of a packed stadium. For us to get a result today they needed to not be on it, and they were definitely on it.

"It was hard when they scored early on because they showed their quality straight away. They needed to have a bad day today and they certainly didn't.

"It was amazing to see Brunton Park full. Even after the York game when we were coming outside and seeing queues, it was brilliant. We've worked hard to get that and we're hoping people stick with us now until the end of the season."

"We've got a tough run in coming up and having the fans behind us will make a hell of a difference," he said. "For me personally it was one of the toughest games of my career. I don't know what it is, I don't feel like I've done a lot of sprinting, but I don't feel like I've stood still either.

"We basically couldn't get near them. It felt like they had an extra man throughout the whole game, but that's why they're playing in the Premier League.

"When they scored their first goal I did fear for the worst. I thought we might have ended up on the wrong side of a cricket score. We stuck in there and had a couple of chances but they're top class players. I'll never batter any of them when I'm watching Match of the Day again!

"We've enjoyed the occasion but it's back to business now. We've got a heck of a month to come and we're ready to kick on again. This was a no pressure game for us so we'll take the positives and get back to business in the league."

Speaking about leading the team out in such a big game, he said: "It was amazing to lead the team out in a game like this. Danny [Grainger] has been the player of the season so far for me and I was heartbroken for him when I heard about his injury.

"Everything he's done ... I can't describe to you what this place means to Danny. I know how much it'll be hurting him missing games like this. 

"I would have preferred Danny to have been out there with us than for me to be wearing the armband. He's one of the best captains I've ever had, to be honest. I'll keep hold of it for a while but I'll be happy to give it back to him."

"This game has been and gone now," he concluded. "Cup games help pay the bills but next week is what pays the mortgage. It's been a bit of glamour but we'll draw a line under it and concentrate on the league now."

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