INTERVIEW: All I could hear was the supporters singing my name

Derek Asamoah on his goal and on wanting to do it for the fans

Substitute Derek Asamoah came off the bench to bag the winner in dramatic style at the Globe Arena on Saturday and he admitted afterwards that the moment had been made even more special by the fans as they chanted his name during his pre-appearance preparations.

“It was pretty special to get the goal,” he said. “It was nice for me because when I was sitting on the bench and warming up all I could hear was the supporters singing my name. 

“I had it in my mind that if I did get on then I hoped I could do something to say thank you for them doing that and for wanting me to come on.”

On the goal itself, he said: “Normally when I shoot I try to aim for the goal without really looking at it. I looked up this time and saw there were loads of bodies, so I just picked my spot and it went in for me.

“Charlie [Wyke] had the ball and to be fair I was screaming and screaming at him. I was saying ‘Charlie, lay it off ... lay it off’ but I think he could see himself in the limelight. To be fair to him he’s a striker and he’s entitled to go for goal from there. Luckily he managed to get the tackle on the keeper and the ball fell nicely for me.”

“I thought Morecambe played well,” he agreed. “They made it difficult for us and they’re a really good team. I can’t believe where they are in the table from the last time they played us, but that’s League Two for you. 

“It was a tough first half but we had the game under control in the second half. The most important thing for us is that we’re in and around the play-offs come the final stages of the season. 

“It means there’s a target for us still to hit and it’s better for everyone that we aren’t languishing in mid-table with the season just petering out. Hopefully we can push on from here.”

“We’re back at home on Tuesday night and I love night games,” he concluded. “It feels like it’s been a while since we played at Brunton Park so I think we’re all looking forward to it.”

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