NCS: Gaining life skills and valuable experience

NCS programme goes from strength to strength

The Carlisle United National Citizen Service programme continues to go from strength-to-strength with Year 12 students from local schools having graduated from its Spring, Summer and Autumn cohorts throughout its four years of operation.

The programme includes:

- Induction: Half-day sessions giving young people an opportunity to meet their team and to find out more about what they will be doing on the programme.

- Outdoor Adventure Residential: Held at one of our National Outdoor Centres it is a week of fun and team building activities which develop confidence, trust, teamwork, empowerment and leadership skills. 

- Community Skills Residential: Held at a location close to the young persons home, this is a week designed to identify strengths and shared interests, develop new skills and to provide a link-up with their local community. 

- Community Project Planning Week: The team gets together to design a social action project to address an issue affecting their local community.

- Community Project Delivery: Young people spend 30 hours spread over three to four weeks completing their social action project in the local community.

- Celebration: A celebration/graduation event, hosted by the Club, held at the end of the programme to which parents and friends will be invited.

Carlisle United’s NCS Co-ordinator John Sander said: “We’ve built some strong links with the local community and with schools in Carlisle over the years and that has helped us to push the programme on. 

“John Stevenson, the MP for Carlisle, has been a huge supporter of the work the young people have done and he has attended almost all of our graduation events. The most rewarding thing about this whole project is the fact that you see those who attend grow in confidence as they go through the different stages. 

"Everyone says they’ve enjoyed it when they get their certificate and I can honestly say that it does give them life skills and experiences they wouldn’t otherwise have had.” 

For more information on our NCS programme contact John Sander on
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