INTERVIEW: We'll go and enjoy ourselves

Midfielder Mike Jones ahead of the Derby game

We spoke to midfielder Mike Jones ahead of training on Monday afternoon about the EFL Cup game at Derby.

"Derby is a great draw," he said. "If we were being greedy we would have liked a Premier League team, but Derby are a good club with a good ground and it's a chance for us to go and enjoy ourselves.

"We'll go there with nothing to lose because they'll be the favourites. There's two leagues between us so we'll be out there to express ourselves. We know we're a good team, no doubt it will be a nice big pitch and we've got confidence in the way we know this team can play. We'll be going there to go through."

"We're doing a lot right at the moment," he told us. "It's been a disappointing week because we've had two draws that could and should have been two wins. We know we're creating chances and sometimes that's the hardest part. A lot of teams out there will be wondering why they can't create chances, but we're doing the right things.

"If we can keep the back door shut a little bit better we know we're heading in the right direction. To only have two points from two games when it could have been six does make you a bit angry and more determined to go out in the next game and make sure.

"We shouldn't have to be going to places like Cambridge and having to score three goals to win the game. Two goals away from home should be enough to win that game but it certainly doesn't affect the confidence. We're doing so much right and we're still unbeaten, so you can't argue with the start we've made."

On his shot which was blocked on the line at Cambridge on Saturday, he explained: "The lad made the block and I was amazed. They put their bodies on the line and fair play to them because they did have their backs against the wall.

"I was actually saying on the way up to training today that I don't normally get those easy goals. When I score it's usually a decent finish, but when that one fell to me on Saturday I thought 'happy days'.

"I hit it as well as I would have liked. I kept it down and the lad just came out of nowhere. I was a bit disappointed but hopefully a goal will come soon.

"It was a good performance, it should have been three points, but we move on and concentrate on still being unbeaten and playing the way we are."

"I feel like I've settled in well," he continued. "It's a great bunch of lads, the gaffer and the staff have been brilliant and I feel like I've settled in nicely.

"I'm enjoying my football, I feel fit as anything, and I think this pre-season has been the most difficult one I've done since I was about 19. I feel sharp and when you're enjoying your football that's when you get the best performances out of yourself.

"I'm the kind of player who always wants to try and make things happen. I'll give 110% and if I give the ball away I certainly won't be shying away from it the next time. I'll keep trying to do the right things. I'm enjoying my football and we're playing really well, and sooner or later someone will get a good hiding."

On the competition for the midfield places, he said: "We've got a good squad here, especially in midfield. Joe McKee is a great young player and Joycey [Luke Joyce], Jason Kennedy and Russell Penn have all got a lot of experience.

"Competition pushes you on. We're a good squad and I'm sure if it was the other way round I'd be pushing the other lads on and hoping they play well. We're all in it together, it's a long season and everyone will get a good crack at it.

"We're creating a lot of chances but we need to make sure we aren't conceding silly goals and giving ourselves mountains to climb. We know we have to start putting the chances away but at the same time clean sheets win games. There are a lot of positives to take forward.

"When you're playing well and enjoying coming into work you want the games to keep coming. We can't think of anything better than the game tonight on a lovely pitch in a big stadium with nothing to lose. We'll go and enjoy ourselves and hopefully it will be good enough to go through."

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