CST: Players drop in on Saturday Match Club

First team players visit Northbank 1970

Our Saturday Match Day Club team – Northbank 1970 – enjoyed a surprise visit from three of our first team players ahead of the Plymouth game last Saturday as part of their Brunton Park experience.

CST Manager John Halpin said: “The Saturday Match Day Club has been a huge success for a number of years.

“It gives teams and local groups the chance to come into the professional environment, have a bit of fun and take a peep behind the scenes. Meeting the players is a huge bonus and it sets the youngsters up nicely for the day.

“I’d like to thank Shaun [Brisley], Patrick Brough and Joe McKee for being so good with the lads when they came to the Neil Centre at the weekend.”

For information on Soccer Schools and Match Day opportunities with our Community Sports Trust please contact the CST team on 01228 554 169 or by email on fitc@carlisleunited.co.uk 
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