MANAGER: A lot of variations on what could happen

Keith Curle talks about picking up wins and the run-in

Manager Keith Curle spoke to us about the importance of getting results as the season goes into its final stretch.

“There are five wins available at the moment and if any of the chasing pack can get those wins it will guarantee them the last play-off spot,” he commented. “There are lots of variations on what could or might happen and the important thing is that we keep our own house in order. 

“If we do our bit then what the others get up to will be down to them. We have a full squad available and this is where I have to do my job by picking the right team. Once I’ve done that the players have got to perform. 

“It’s a great opportunity for us, particularly when you think that we’ve come a long way in a very short space of time. It’s been a massive effort from everyone connected to the club because there have been a lot of distractions. This shows that things are changing and we’re on an upward spiral.”

“We’re at the point of the season where we’ll take a win any way it comes,” he commented. “I think we have a group of players who can score goals. The players know they need the points and the freedom we had in our play at the start of the season has got to come back very quickly. 

“The line we want to try and finish above is in sight. How we get there is immaterial. However we finish this season we’ve taken another step and there are good times ahead for this club. We’ve put down good foundations and we have plenty to build on.”

“There’s a sense of unity now and I understand that it does take time for people to get on board with how I’m thinking,” he told us. “I’m different in the way I do things and I know I’ve upset a few people. That’s been done for the right reasons and people are getting to know what I’m about now. 

“I’ve had a few people say they’ve taken back everything they first thought about me. The thing is that we aren’t changing things for the sake of it, we’re just trying things in a slightly different way. 

“At the moment it’s about taking all of the pressure off the players. If we don’t get to the play-offs it is completely and utterly my fault. If we don’t score enough, or we let too many in, it’s my fault. 

“They’re stepping up to the challenge and it’s like when we went to Cassius Camps in the summer. It’s where they’re climbing the hill and they’re tired, and now they’ve been given a boulder and a log. The only thing you can tell them to do is to deal with it.”

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Read Time: 3 mins