INTERVIEW: We'll give it a heck of a go

Defender Michael Raynes on the play-off push and the fans

Defender Michael Raynes spoke to us ahead of the Friday training session about Tuesday's important win and the push the play-offs as the season heads into the final stages.

"It was a good win on Tuesday," he said. "With the trip to Portsmouth and the emotions that come with a derby game it was a tough week last week. To win 1-0 against Hartlepool was very pleasing. 

"The gaffer has said this week that it's important to get points on the board at this stage of the season. We've got a load of cup finals from now until the end of the season. Hartlepool had been on a good run of form so to get a clean sheet and win was a good home performance."

"It was nice to see Hallam [Hope] come on and get his goal on Tuesday," he told us. "In my opinion, it's always difficult to come into a club midway through the season and I've always struggled with it in the past. Hallam and all the other boys who came in have gelled really quickly, which has been amazing. 

"I'd hate to play against Hallam, he ticks every box, and it would be great to see him go and get more goals before the end of the season."

"A clean sheet on Tuesday was important and I think it was something we needed," he admitted. "We've had a couple of games which haven't gone our way so it was pleasing that it did go our way with this one. 

"Individual mistakes contributed to the fact we didn't quite get the wins we deserved but football is about making mistakes, especially League Two football. If we didn't make mistakes we would be in the Premier League, so it's about how you react. 

"Everyone makes mistakes in life, at work and in everything you do, so it's about how you deal with it. We have strong characters to get on with things really well."

On the position United currently hold in the league, he said: "I don't really look at the league table because it can send you under if you look at it too much. 

"If we win our games we'll be alright and we've said from the start of the season that we'll give it a heck of a go and see where we end up." 

"It has got the feel of a successful dressing room," he told us. "I don't think anyone knows the right formula because if you did you would be promoted already. 

"It comes down to hard work and luck. "We talk about percentages and covering as many percentages as we can. The staff do that and so do the players, we look after ourselves and if we get in the play-offs it will be absolutely amazing. 

"I'm pleased with my season so far. I think it's the most I've played in a season which is really good on a personal level. I've had a couple of knocks here and there, but I haven't had too many injures, so playing wise it's been a good season.

"This is a really good place to be. The way the gaffer runs the ship is professional and honest, which is the main thing. If someone makes a mistake they're first to hold their hand up, and as a footballer you can't ask for more than working with an honest group of professionals. You know that you're giving everything you've got and they're all giving everything they've got as well."

"We'd love a big crowd at Brunton Park tomorrow," he concluded. "We've had some big cup games like the Everton game but these games are the mortgage payers now. If we can get a run together then every little percentage will help us. Getting bums on those seats will only help with that. 

"We all think we can still do it. If we didn't we might as well go on holiday now. We'll have a good go and we've been good at not getting too high or too low this season, so we'll keep ourselves level and see where we end up."

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