CUSG: March meeting notes

CUSG meeting notes

Carlisle United Supporters’ Groups (CUSG) Meeting
Date: 23 March 2016

Attendees: Reps from CUOSC, A66 Travel Group. London Branch, Claire Winder, Barry Carter (on behalf of supporters with disabilities), Andy Hall, Amy Nixon and Nigel Dickinson from CUFC. Apologies were given from Phil King, the Away Travel and Scottish groups.

Update from CUFC

Phase 1 of the restoration complete. There have been additional problems with the Neil Centre due to structural damage. The club have received tendering reports for Phase 2 which will allow a decision to be made about the contractors. Nigel Dickinson reported that he had been in discussions with Elite over the phone line issues experienced before the Everton game and he will contact those who have been in contact with him/Claire.

Feedback from Groups

Confirmation given that the agenda is made from those attending and it is based on what feedback each group has received.

Both London Branch and A66 Travel Group highlighted that the main concern for their members is the lack of information from the club re. investment. Claire confirmed she had discussed this at the January Board Meeting and had met the Holding Company recently and there was no apparent progress to update. Andy Hall informed the group that the agent of the potential overseas investor had been contacted again stating unless further info was forthcoming, the interest in the overseas route was likely to be dropped and the person named. CUOSC requested that it be made a formal agenda item for the next meeting when there might be more news to report.

Progress on Project Blue Yonder was also briefly discussed. It could not be confirmed whether or not the area had been affected by flooding. Current lock out and non-disclosure agreements are in place until October 2016.

Requests made for improved signage around Brunton Park, including directing people to the cash turnstiles and directing people to programme sellers.

On transfer policy, Andy said Keith Curle and Lee Dykes will not commit to new signings unless they were 'right' for the squad. In the past this had not always been the policy. Claire will be attending a training session and has been invited by Keith Curle to ask questions to the playing / coaching staff. Questions to be sent via group reps or Claire.

Claire discussed the report into disabled facilities at football grounds. CUFC had been criticised for their lack of adequate facilities. Andy accepted that facilities were not as good as they should be, even though they meet the minimum requirements.

London Branch has Issue 287 of 'Hit The Bar!' is available. A football match in aid of the Cumbria Flood Appeal was being staged at Welling FC, between London Branch members and England Supporters. Jimmy Glass and John Gorman were attending. CUFC sent down a signed shirt and A66 group sent a CUFC scarf.

A66 group have organised a weekend trip to Nottingham for the Notts County match. There are small numbers of availability remaining - John Ireland is the contact. There will be fancy dress of Robin Hood theme and a cricket match with a local village. Nigel Dickinson to contact Notts County supporter liaison officer to discuss the fancy dress.

Premier League Fans' Fund

The initial £10,000 would be put into the CUOSC bank account and transferred to the club. The remaining fund is still to be applied for by CUOSC; this has been identified to contribute to improvements to disabled facilities initially.

CUSG Pin Badges

The second stock of 500 badges had been distributed around the various groups. The money raised from the first batch was 50/50 for the Cumbrian Flood Appeal and the commentary equipment for visually impaired supporters. Money from the second batch will be for the commentary equipment. Nigel Dickinson to order large presentation cheques for donations to the flood appeal from CUSG badges and from the A66.


The club had been asked to write to the FA explaining what they were doing to combat the problem after the disruption caused by a flare at Exeter City. A further incident at Morecambe was also being investigated as well as from the Everton match. The club is gaining a reputation for these incidents and the knock on effect, other than potential harm to individuals is significant increases to policing costs. There is a zero tolerance to these incidents. They will result in bans from the club and also football banning orders. All groups have a responsibility to share this message to its members.

Discussion occurred about the evacuations at Morecambe and Exeter City. The former created confusion amongst supporters as it was unclear if they were being evacuated. Nigel Dickinson explained that at our club's policy is to silence fire alarms and then announcements made via the tannoy system if necessary.

Any Other Business

Query about the planned signing of Luis Pedro who has since signed a 2 month contract.

Next Meeting: Wednesday 4 May 2016
Read Time: 5 mins