FAN REPRESENTATIVE: Board Meeting update

Fan Rep Claire Winder with a Board Meeting update

One of the first things that was agreed after I joined the 1921 Operational Board was that I would write a briefing after the Board Meeting to enable fans to see the areas of Carlisle United that are discussed and some of the content. 

This is the first time a briefing has been released from any meetings. I was struck by how business focused the discussion was, which made me see why having fan presence on the Board is important. This briefing comes from the meeting held on 18 September 2015.

Approval of Fan Representative Director

My position was approved and I was welcomed to the Board. The appointment was unanimously approved. Since the meeting I have passed the Fit and Proper Persons test.

Roles and Responsibilities of 1921 Board

Following the three new appointees (Phil King, Suzanne Kidd and Claire Winder) there will be development of role and responsibilities of the 1921 Board and how this links to the Holdings Company Board, ie relationship and structure. Broadly, the 1921 Board will be focussed on the running of the club as a business rather than team issues. These will be finalised by the next meeting. 


The year-end accounts will be finalised and approved at the next meeting. The auditors had visited the Club. Forecasts were updated to include all player transfer income and the Capital One Cup income.

Sales and Marketing

A number of different sponsorships are being discussed which includes a range of different companies. Some have not been involved with the Club before and others are returning sponsors.

Board approved refurbishment of the bar areas in the West Stand, the exact details will be developed over the next few weeks.

Heineken deal was discussed. They have provided some marketing support and feedback has been that the products are improved in their quality. Heineken have donated two large flat screen HD televisions for the Sunset Suite refurbishment. There is also a possibility of them providing some local / regional real ale.

The Business Club have a confirmed schedule of meetings, the next one being on 31 October 2015.

Rod Stewart concert in June 2016 was discussed as well as the pre-sale link. Following the meeting it has been confirmed that the take up of the pre-sales via the club email was the largest out of all of the tour venues.

Partnerships with the University of Cumbria have been agreed, This includes students being involved in projects and support given to their studies (eg dissertations), volunteer opportunities, which include free match entry, will be promoted and work with the University to increase the number of students attending the games.

Improving facilities for supporters with disabilities is a priority. PK has been discussing this with a number of local businesses.

External Issues

The apprentices had a funded trip to Holland in the summer, which was funded by the League Football Education (LFE), which is partnership between the FL & the PFA. The LFE have concerns about the future of apprentices as the Government is looking to bypass the LFE and deal directly with clubs. The concern is the effect this may have on the training structure and education curriculum.

FL has now allowed use of player GPS tracking devices during matches.

Initial proposals have been talked about regarding increasing parachute payments for relegated clubs within the FL. The main change will likely be an increase in funding to clubs relegated from League 2. This is likely to see change from 2016/17 season.

The new Channel 5 FL show has seen average viewers of 844,000 which is seen as a positive start.

Current Issues

SK spoke about problems that had arisen at the Hartlepool fixture in August 2015. The home fixture will now be a category c games due to the increased risk of crowd disturbance. This means the cost for policing has been significantly increased. There has been a zero tolerance approach. Any supporters who went onto the pitch have been banned from Brunton Park. Some will be issued Banning Orders from all football grounds - the Club is supporting these. 

Any Other Business

Blue Yonder was discussed. The lockout & non-disclosure agreements are coming to an end. The developer has requested a further six months. This will be discussed at the next board meeting. 
I discussed relationships between fans of the club and those running the club and outlined the need to bridge the gap and to improve communications.  
The meeting ended and the next meeting will be the week commencing 26 October 2015.      

Thank you for taking the time to read through this, I hope it has been interesting. If you would like to contact me then you can by emailing me at or on Twitter @CarlisleFanRep or by contacting the club and leaving me a message.

Best wishes,

Claire Winder
Read Time: 4 mins