STATEMENT: FL statement on security matters

FL statement on security matters

In light of recent international events the Football League have issued the following statement with regard to current security issues:
"Since the tragic events in Paris on Friday night, The Football League has been in regular contact with all of its member clubs asking them to remain vigilant in maintaining the high levels of matchday and non-matchday security that is in place at their stadiums. 
“While there is no specific intelligence of a heightened threat to our matches, the League is nonetheless in constant dialogue with the National Counter Terrorism Security Office, the Police, the Premier League, the Sports Ground Safety Authority and other key stakeholders to ensure that clubs are aware of the latest intelligence and advice. 
“We would also ask supporters to be vigilant and patient of any measures implemented by club security staff that are intended to protect their well-being.”

Club safety officer John Little said: "We had an incident at the last home game where a small pyrotechnic device was set off in the Warwick Road End and we would like to remind everyone that it is against Football League ground regulations to bring such devices into the stadium.

"With the current security situation we all face we will take a very dim view of any supporter who chooses to attempt to bring any type of pyrotechnic item into Brunton Park, or to any of our away venues.

"We are sure that all of our supporters will understand and accept this advice."
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