NCS: Autumn programme update

Autumn NCS update

To date our NCS Autumn 2015 programme has turned out to be an incredibly engaging and rewarding experience for all involved - and not just the young people who take part.

The staff here at Carlisle United have witnessed great determination and ability from all 23 participants. Our Autumn NCS wave again went to Lockerbie Manor, which is in a fantastic setting just across the border.

The activities chosen helped the group to bond and work more closely as a team. The young people conquered their fears through the completion of high ropes, climbing, abseiling, crate stacking, canoeing and rifle shooting.

These experiences for the young people were not only challenging but also ones they will never forget.

NCS student Alex Armstrong said: "I made loads of new friends on NCS and I loved every minute of it. I would recommend it to anyone.

"I am hoping to come back as an ambassador so I can experience it all again. I am hoping to put something back into my community."

The young people are now carefully planning their fund raising activity and their social action project. Money will be raised through a ten hour sponsored sports event in the Neil Centre here at Brunton Park. The funds raised will be used for three activities at Tullie House family museum: 

+ Creating a sensory garden
+ Writing an audio trail for the gallery
+ Creating an NCS display in the foyer

All the students are passionate about these projects and have already created a professional business model.
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