Statement from Managing Director John Nixon

Statement from Managing Director John Nixon

Managing Director John Nixon has confirmed that he is to stand down from his position with the Club.

Mr Nixon says "fresh blood" is needed and that he will go once the Club's ownership issue has been resolved.

That was already the situation agreed during negotiations with Andrew Lapping should he complete his deal with the Club.

And it will also be the case if the Club instead strikes a deal with an alternative investment group, whose financial interest in the Club is currently under consideration.

Mr Nixon, who does not take any salary for being MD of Carlisle United FC, said: "I want to make it crystal clear that I will be leaving my post as managing director of Carlisle United once the ownership issue has been resolved.

"It is taking longer than we would have wanted but I think most supporters will understand that we had to consider this fresh approach from a potential new investor.

"Whatever the outcome, I will not be continuing as managing director or in any such post. We need fresh blood and fresh ideas and I am fully committed to stepping aside. It is something I talked about a year go. Whoever comes into the club will need to appoint their own new MD - their own person - and that is only right.

"I have enjoyed every minute of my time at the Club. There have been some great times. The last three years have been difficult but I am a Carlisle United supporter at heart and I have done what I could for my club and by carrying out what the board wanted to do.

"Of course, I will be happy to help the club in any way I can and I will be willing to assist the new owner and new managing director in the short-term, if required. I would never walk away without seeing things through and ensuring that a complete handover is achieved.

"But I am looking forward to making a break, spending more time with my family and grandchildren, concentrating on my Football League and Football Association commitments and enjoying watching football with my wife and seeing Carlisle United play, purely as a fan again."

Mr Nixon issued the statement because although he is unable to give interviews with the media while negotiations with the potential new investor are live, he wanted to clarify the situation regarding his future with the Club. He plans to remain a shareholder and stay as a director of CUFC Holdings, which owns 93% of Carlisle United FC. However, he intends to stand down from the board of Carlisle United 1921 Ltd, which handles the day-to-day running of the football club.
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