MANAGER: Preliminary talks with three

Keith Curle on work to be done through the summer

United manager Keith Curle spoke to the official website this evening to give us an update on the ongoing recruitment work following this week's talks with his playing staff.

"I think I said earlier in the week that there are very few managers who enjoy that part of the job," he told us. "However, I think it has to be done professionally and that's by sitting down and talking to every member of the squad face to face. That way everyone knows where they stand and we can take it from there. 

"My job now is obviously to do the groundwork to make sure we get the players we want ahead of next season. That work has started this week.

"I've had preliminary talks with three players and it has all been very positive. I've met them, along with their representatives, because I want to know more about the people I'm dealing with. 

"I know all about them in terms of football ability so what I want to do, before we think about taking the next step, is make sure I'm talking with players I know I can work with."

"What we're looking for from the moment we get back together for pre-season is a positive attitude and a determination from everyone to do things properly every day, be that in training or out on the pitch during a game," he added.

"We know last season wasn't good enough for this football club and we also know we have to put it right. The recruitment we do will be with that in mind because we want to be focused and we want to hit the ground running next season.

"There's still work to do but it's been very encouraging so far."
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