MANAGER: They'll be looking to make their mark

Keith Curle ahead of the visit of Preston North End

Manager Keith Curle spoke to us ahead of the visit of Preston North End on Tuesday evening.

“This is one we can look forward to,” he said. “As I said last week, we want to be tested as we go into the final stages of the build up to the new season.

“We want to be exposed so we can see how we deal with it. Saturday was a good example of that. For the majority of the first half against Bradford, and for the beginning of the second half, we were comfortable. 

“That was pleasing to see and we’re looking for more of the same as we go into a really tough test against a team who will be riding on a high. They showed last season how good a side they are and they’ll be looking to push on and make their mark at a higher level this time round.”

“In terms of what we’re doing, I’m pretty close in my own mind on how I think we’ll start the season,” he told us. “I have square pegs in square holes but there are probably two positions in my own mind where I think there is still an opportunity to change things round. 

“This week is about looking at where we are and finalising the way we want to do things when we go up against Mansfield in ten days time. We’re happy with what we’ve done and it’s now a case of pinning everything down so we’re ready to go.

“Games against teams of this calibre will only help us with that.”
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