MANAGER: Waiting for follow ups

Keith Curle on meetings, closing in on offers and trialists

Manager Keith Curle spoke to us today about meetings with agents, closing in on deals, offers for our players and trialists.

“We had a long meeting with an agent this morning [Thursday] and it went well,” he said. “It was very positive and we’re now in the throes of negotiation. No lines have been drawn in the sand and it’s an ongoing process which myself, John [Nixon] and the agent are happy with.

“It’s a case of the agent finalising things with the player and we can take it from there. There are always finer points to iron out but we’ve put an incentive package together and we want the player to by into that. 

“We want him to feel the club does value him, so it’s good to be face to face with the people who represent him. Getting it done before the weekend isn’t a necessity, but it would be nice if we could.”

“We’re talking with another player as well,” he added. “Sometimes they do get influenced by the transfer window and they want to give themselves options. The agents advertise them and make everyone aware they’re available, and they try to get the best deal for themselves. 

“Being a former player, I don’t mind that. However, it’s frustrating as a manager because you want people to buy into your vision and the club. The quicker they do that the more it shows us about their commitment. However, I’m happy with where we’re at and how we’re progressing. My phone will stay on and we’re open for business, but how much business we do is down to other people.”

“We’ve had a few enquiries for some of the players we made available, but with one of them I don’t think it will suit the player concerned,” he revealed. “I haven’t been able to speak to him, because he’s been snowed out of Carlisle, but it’s an opportunity for a loan until the end of the season. 

“I don’t think the player will take up the option because he has another year left on his contract after that. If somebody was prepared to take over his contract, that might be of benefit for him longevity wise, to help him to secure a future. I won’t mention his name, or the club, because I haven’t told him yet, but I don’t think it’ll happen.”

“We’ve had a few other calls and I’m waiting for follow ups on some of our lads who played against Newcastle on Tuesday,” he said. “I know a few people were there to watch so we’ll wait and see where that goes. 

“I share the frustration of the players who aren’t getting game time at the moment. We’ve made sure routines are in place for them to get extra training, to compensate for the work they aren’t getting through not being involved on a Saturday. 

“Part of the culture we’re trying to change is that players can see that as a punishment. It isn’t. We’re gradually starting to get them to understand the work they’re doing is for their benefit. They need to work harder if they aren’t playing, and the pleasing thing is that some of those who are playing are doing the extra sessions as well. It’s fantastic when you see that happen.”

Looking back at the Tuesday reserve game at Newcastle, he said: “That gave us an opportunity to look at a number of trialists. It was also an opportunity for some of the younger lads to go up against players they usually only see on Match of the Day. It’s a great facility over there and they made us feel really welcome, for which we thank them.

“We’ve invited three of the trialists back for another look. We’re trying to organise another game for next week to see if they can replicate some of the things we’ve already seen. We had a wide player, a centre half and a centre forward, and they did very well.

“Shaun Tuton got some game time and he was able to showcase what he’s about. He’s had trials with other clubs and you could see why he’s getting the attention. He’s still with us this week and, if it fits with him, then we should get another opportunity to look at him.”

“Another who got valuable time was Danny Kearns,” he added. “We’re now in the latter stages of his return to full training and he got a good 45 minutes. He’s changing his body strength through the amount of work he’s been doing in the gym, which is excellent, and his application to the work he’s been given has been a credit to himself.

“The next thing for him is to return to full football training and to keep it up as he waits to get back in the first team. He finished the 45 minutes comfortably, but we didn’t want him to suffer from game fatigue and start to pick up niggles, or anything like that. It’s about progressing him properly and making sure he’s constantly developing.”

And on the talks with Brad Potts and Kyle Dempsey, he said: “They’re ongoing, which is pleasing. There are no lines in the sand yet but we expect to be meeting with their representatives soon. We can take it from there.”

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