MANAGER: It isn't easy but we're working hard

Keith Curle on targets and what's needed for the battle ahead

Manager Keith Curle spoke more about transfer dealings at his Monday morning press conference.

“We’ve had little bits and pieces of interest in our players,” he revealed. “That’s something we will follow up over the next few days. I’m not forcing players out, but if a player hasn’t been getting the game time he needs it is definitely something he needs to think about.

“We’re still discussing things with Derek Asamoah this morning. He’s been able to show us what he can do, particularly when he first came into the club, and we need him to recapture that. We will revisit the other contract issues we have once we get through what is going to be a busy period.”

On the reported availability of former-Blue Francois Zoko, he said: “I like Francois. I worked with him at Notts County and he is unplayable on his day. I’ve also seen the other side of him as well, where he isn’t as effective. However, his name was mentioned in the offices last week but it isn’t something I’ve visited since.”

“The transfer dealings we would like to do won’t take me away from the training pitch at all,” he told us. “Everything is scheduled around the work that needs to be done at the club. I’m very old school in that I want to see people on my terms. I want people to meet me here, at Brunton Park, so I know they know where Carlisle is.

“That will mean I can see, face to face, that they really do want to play for us. We’ve had people sign for us in the past, and within a couple of months they’re unhappy because of the distance they have to travel to get here. When you hear that, all you can think is that Carlisle hasn’t moved. That’s why it’s important players know what they’re letting themselves in for.”

“We're trying to incentivise the contracts of the younger players at the club and that's what we're doing with the contracts that we will offer out to people. I don't mind people coming here and earning a good wage, but I want them to earn it. If they play and perform well, and we win, the money is there to be had. 
“Sometimes it will suit the player to come here on a short term basis. We are trying to factor in if they come here, do their job, play games and we stay in the league, then there can be an opportunity for a contract extension. We're trying to incentivise everything because there is no point in players coming here and signing an 18 month contract, and then being out of the league next season.”

“It isn't easy to find the players we would like to join us,” he admitted. “They aren't going to get rich playing for Carlisle United, and that's not being disrespectful, because we do pay fantastic wages. But I don't want people to come here for a pay day. They've got to be of the right mentality. Believe it or not, there are people out there who are hungry to play football on a regular basis.

“We’re under pressure at the moment because we’re playing at the bottom end of the table. You need something different in a situation like this. Sometimes you need to go out and fight your corner first and foremost. Some of our players are finding out about themselves and they’re surprising themselves with how they’re reacting. 

“Some don’t like it and some of them are revelling in it. We’ve got to go out there and enjoy the challenge. We need to roll out performances and be brave. We can do it; of course we can, because we’re going to work on it every day. It’s about us pulling together as a team between now and the end of the season.”

And on the return to the bench for Mark Gillespie, he said: “Mark has had four days of solid training last week and there’s been no reaction to his knee problem. We will now step things up again and throw him into the fold on a regular day-by-day basis. 

“With Danny Kearns, he was given time to go home and refocus. Ability wise, Danny is a really good player but he has had a bit of time away from us recently. 

“There are a lot of things about him which would suit playing at a higher level, but we’re looking for something slightly different and which doesn’t come naturally to a lot of players in that changing room at the moment.

“Billy [Paynter] should be back on the grass this week, so that’s good news. Alex Marrow is also back in the building so things are looking up in a number of areas.”

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