MANAGER: They'll give us a real test

Keith Curle on the visit of Chesterfield in the Capital One Cup

Manager Keith Curle spoke to us ahead of the visit of Chesterfield in the Capital One Cup on Tuesday night.

“With what we saw from Saturday we have things to work on ahead of the game,” he said. “We need to look at when to play, when to get the ball inside and when to deliver crosses in terms of timings and final decisions. 

“There were times when we took an extra pass, when we didn’t need to, and occasions when we worked the ball well but decided not to cross. It will all come and we have to remember that we also saw a lot of good things in terms of how we approached the game and played at Mansfield.”

“This is a game I will take very seriously,” he added. “I want us to win every game we play. I can’t pick and choose results but I can tell you we will be competitive. 

“It won’t be a weakened team because I don’t think we have a weak squad. Chesterfield are a league above us and they will give us a real test. We’ve got a good team ethic building here and we have nothing to be afraid of. It’s a cup competition we want to stay in, if we can, because we want to get a bit of momentum going. Winning games and playing well helps you to do that.”

On the ongoing recruitment process, he said: “We want to be a progressive and improving football club and I know I have funds available to help with that. 

“It’s an ongoing job and we’ve had four scouts looking at four players for us over the weekend. We need to do some of our due diligence on all of them because we don’t just watch somebody once. We’re creating a dossier on all four players to find out if they are exactly what I think they are, and whether or not I feel they will fit in. 

“With the lads we have here who have been made available, the doors have not been shut on anyone at this football club. 

“There are reasons why some aren’t in the squad and I won’t ever hide away from any decision. Hopefully the players will appreciate that all of these decisions are made honestly.”
Read Time: 2 mins