MANAGER: My job is to pull it all together

Keith Curle on managing Carlisle United

Manager Keith Curle with more from his Monday morning press conference.

“My speciality is organising a squad of players and turning them into a team,” he said. “We need everybody with an affiliation to Carlisle United to get on board with what we're doing.

“I've got to create an atmosphere whereby everybody gives it everything they've got. I've seen enough in the changing room to know we've got enough to get out of the position we're in. My job is to pull it all together.”

“I won't shy away from anything,” he told us. “If results aren't going our way I will tell people exactly how it is and what my thoughts are. I won't try and gloss over anything but, when we do create that wave and start winning games, I will be the first to give people the pat on the back they deserve. 

“I pride myself on organising teams and the way I look to do things is to stop the opposition first of all. After that we can start to play to our strengths. As a person, I’m very confident. I believe in my philosophy and in how I want the game to be played. Have I got an air of aggression about me – yes. I don’t go toe to toe with people I don’t need to but, if I do need to stand my ground, that’s exactly what I will do. 

“At the moment my train of thought is that it doesn’t matter who we play, it’s about what we do. I’ve got to change the mentality and give the players confidence. They get that by doing day in and day out what they are going to replicate on a match day. That process starts now.”

“The job ahead for us is short, medium and long term,” he added. “First and foremost I need to get points. We have a good combination of youth and experience but we’re a little bit top heavy midfield wise. We’re in a position where we have one defender, two strikers and thirteen midfield players in training. I need to get the balance right and make sure we maximise everything we’re doing for a match day. 

“I’m a manager who knows how to get three points. Sometimes that will have to be ugly. I don’t mind doing that if it’s effective. We have to win games and then we can entertain. I don’t believe in entertaining and not getting points. Sometimes we will have to go face to face with teams and at other times we will earn the right to play football. We’ll do whatever it takes.”

“I’ll be moving into the club apartment as quickly as possible because I think that’s important,” he confirmed. “I know there are players who travel to get here at the moment and some have it in their contract that they don’t have to move up here. 

“I think players know themselves you can’t drive for three hours, jump out of a car and perform in a training session the way you really want to. If players aren’t performing then we have to look at all of the reasons as to why that is.

“The first half performance on Saturday is an example. It wasn't good enough. We got bullied and as a player that was one thing I never allowed. I might have got turned over every now and again but I always stood my corner and that's all I want the players to do. 

“We're going to stand up for ourselves, not always physically but the players are going to be brave football wise. As long as the players give me everything I'm happy. I know they have limitations because we're bottom of the league for a reason. I won't ask players to do anything I don't think they can do.”

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