INTERVIEW: Always great to score

Midfielder Brad Potts on his goal against AFC Wimbledon

Midfielder Brad Potts equalled last season’s personal goal tally when he rattled a beauty into the top corner against AFC Wimbledon on Saturday to make it two for the season in front of a delighted set of Warwick Road End fans.

And he admitted that he hopes it’s just the start of many more to come as he looks to add goals to his game this time round.

“I was absolutely buzzing when it went in,” he said. “I think that was because I didn’t really have time to think about it. It’s usually when I do have time that I struggle a bit. I was obviously delighted to score.

“When Kyle [Dempsey] got the ball I shouted at him to play me in. He saw I was in a better position, and he put me through, and then it was just a case of making sure I hit it right. It came down to instinct with the shot. It was there so I didn’t think about what I was going to do at all. Thankfully it did go in or I’d have been really disappointed.” 

“It’s always great to score but it felt even better because it made it 4-2 in the game,” he added. “It was also right in front of the fans so we were able to have a little bit of a celebration to go with it. 

“I know I need to start scoring more goals and I haven’t managed to get one at the Warwick Road End before. The one I got at home last season was at the Waterworks End so it’s nice to finish one like that. I’m practicing my shooting and finishing all the time because it’s an area I want to improve. 

“I think it comes down to taking my time in front of goal a bit more – mind you, I didn’t have any time on Saturday at all and I scored, so I’m not so sure what the best approach for me should be!”

On the events of the past two weeks, he said: “It’s been a strange period. It was tough for us at the start of the season because we just couldn’t get results. It kind of wakes you up when you see a manager leave like that and you start to realise what might happen to yourself if you don’t put the performances in. 

“All we can do once it does happen is respond and try to play as well as we can. We’ve managed to do that in the last two games and hopefully we’ll carry it on. 

“Obviously I was gutted when Kav left. The manager always gets the blame but the situation was down to the players as well. We weren’t playing well and I know, from what I’ve heard, that the fans felt we weren’t putting the effort in. 

“I can tell you we definitely were but when the luck doesn’t go for you, like the offside decision at Cheltenham, the pressure starts to grow and it gets harder to get the results you need. Unfortunately that led to Kav losing his job which we’re all really disappointed about.”

“There’s nothing we can do about the manager situation, once decisions are made, so our job is just to get results until we know what’s happening,” he explained. “Whoever is in charge, I just want to play as many games as I can and score more goals for him. I think it’s the same for the players as it is for the fans. It’s quite exciting as you wait to hear who will get it and we all keep track of which managers are being linked with the job. Hopefully things will click once someone is appointed and we’ll push on up the league.”

“Working with Caigy and Thir has been enjoyable,” he told us. “I get on with both of them and they sat us down and told us to go out and play with no fear. It seems to be working at the moment. 

“I think we were all aware that the new manager might come along and watch at the weekend but I didn’t realise until after the game that quite a few were in the crowd. With that in mind it was good for us all to put a decent performance in.”

His final word was on the red card decision which reduced to ten men with just ten minutes left to play.

“I was right next to Gary [Dicker] when he was sent off,” he said. “Even if it was handball I don’t think it was done deliberately. It did hit his hand but I was quite shocked when the ref sent him off. 

“It changed the game and gave them the momentum, but hopefully the decision will get overturned from the appeal the club has put in. The lads were gutted after the game because it felt like a defeat in some ways. The positive we can take from it is that we’re scoring goals and playing well. We now need to change the draws into wins and make sure we push on.”

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