MANAGER: Get our players to hit targets

Keith Curle on loan deals and getting the best from his players

Manager Keith Curle spoke to us today about the news that Hayden White is likely to join another League Two club on loan having returned to parent club Bolton following his late sending off at Portsmouth last Saturday.

“I got a phone call yesterday [Wednesday] telling me Hayden had been recalled and that he is going to go out on loan to another League Two club,” he confirmed. “They play Saturday-Tuesday-Saturday which will mean his suspension will be completed quicker and he can start playing games again. 

“I’m disappointed that he's going to another League Two club rather than going up a level. I think he's a player we've given a platform and we’ve allowed him to show people what he can do. That's why we use the loan market - to try and progress players. Hopefully others who are playing under 21 football for a Championship club will also see us as an opportunity. I would think that will be the last we’ll see of him this season.”

On new arrival Connor Brown, he said: “He is a tenacious little defender who likes to get forward. He likes a tackle and he's got a good leap on him. He covers the ground well and he’s one who can break up play and then get us on the front foot.

“There's a youthful energy about him. He's a chirpy lad with a spark and I think that's what we need. He's played a number of games in the division above so there will be no fear in his play. Lee [Dykes] knows a lot about him and I've seen him a couple of times myself. I watched him play against Leyton Orient and he did very well. There were one or two mistakes but I think I can help him iron those out of his game.”

And he also confirmed that talks had taken place with all players this week as he starts the task of moving the squad forward for the challenge ahead.

“I've had meetings with all of the lads over the last couple of days and I’ve told six or seven players that their names will be circulated for loan moves,” he explained. “I'm aware of the fact some of them need more game time. I don’t think there’s any need to name them because they know who they are. 

“I made it clear that making them available for loan wasn't me closing the door. Some of them have contracts until the end of next season. It's an opportunity for them to go and get game time elsewhere and show everybody what they're about. The ones who haven't got contracts for next season need to make sure they get one somewhere else. None of the players I've spoken to have indicated they will throw the towel in just because they’ve been told they're available for loan. 

"I’ve left them all with the message of go and prove me wrong. We are trying to reengage our players because gone are the days where you get paid for just playing. They need to hit targets, score goals, create goals and ultimately the club needs to win games. We need to get out of the position we're in and we'll do that by getting our players to hit targets.

“Obviously if a player does go out on loan it will free up some space in the squad. Part and parcel of wheeling and dealing is getting some out so you can bring some in.”

Meanwhile talks with team captain Danny Grainger continue as the club looks to secure his services beyond the end of this season.

“Danny has been given an offer in writing which is the right thing to do for the football club,” he said. “That's the same with the other players I've spoken to, so we're in the negotiation stage with that group. 

“Some of them will come back with a counter offer and others will accept. The club wants to look after the younger players who are almost out of contract. We know and they know they aren't going to get rich and retire on Carlisle United wages. We don't want them to, but we do want to reward them while they're here. However, you have to earn your rewards. You aren't going to get a huge basic wage but you will be incentivised. We want them to do more of the things that are getting them the attention in the first place. 

“We want young, hungry players who know if they keep doing what they’re doing well they will be incentivised. The more players we can get doing that the more chance we have of winning games. 

“The more games we win the higher up the division we go, and that’s where we all want to be. The young lads are all enjoying the attention they're getting. They need to understand why the scouts are coming and what they're doing well. 

“I had a chat with Brad Potts the other day because I noticed during the warm up that he was coming away from the group for drinks. I told him not to try and be different. He has to be a part of the team at all times. 

“When I used to watch players for Neil Warnock I would go and watch the warm ups so I could see if the player tried to look different, or if he was part of the team ethic that every manager who is buying a player looks for. Nobody wants to buy a superstar. They want to buy somebody who will integrate straight into the team.”

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