YOUTH: Key 2 Nutrition partnership

Exciting partnership with supplement store

Key 2 Sports and Nutrition will be teaming up with United to provide advice and expertise to the youth and academy teams to enable them to look after themselves and make sure they are able to prepare for their training sessions and matches as fully as possible. 

Academy physio Kate Gascoigne said: "Nutrition is so important in terms of sports performance and development so we're really pleased to have this partnership with Key 2 Sports and Nutrition. 

"It's essential for all of our players to be educated on how their diet and lifestyle can affect them. The lads will be given advice and guidance on what they should eat and how to keep themselves hydrated to make sure they perform at their best. 

"Hopefully this will just be the start of this partnership because we're all really looking forward to working with Garry and all of the team from Key 2 Sports and Nutrition."

Garry Key, director of Key 2 Sports and Nutrition said: "We're going to give the lads a structured plan. We'll be looking at nutrition regarding pre-match and post-match meals. We want to make sure we prepare them right and that they're fully hydrated so they have a better idea of how their bodies are working. 

"We're at the front of the supplement business so if there's anything new coming out we'll be able to let the lads have it before everyone else. It's all to do with looking at the amount of energy they're expending and then focusing on getting as much of that back in as quickly as possible. That can be through supplements or certain types of foods. 

"Obviously working with the youth team is important because their bodies are still developing. We want to make sure they don't get run down or injured, so a lot of it is about them protecting themselves as much as they can. 

"We've had a good reaction from the lads so far and I think they're all looking forward to working with us. If they listen to what we tell them, and follow the plans we give them, they'll get a lot out of it. I've been doing this for long enough to know that the only way something like this will benefit an individual is if they really want to do it in the first place. The reaction we've had so far suggests that is the case with this group."

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