TWITTER: Official list

Follow our players on twitter

Many of our players can be found on Twitter - the important thing is to make sure you're following their official accounts. 

The list below shows the genuine accounts of our players and also includes the other club related accounts which may interest you. 

Mark Gillespie@markgillespie
Chris Chantler@ChrisChantler24
Prince Buaben@pbuaben
Liam Noble@liamnoble91
Lee Miller@LeeMillerScotia
Danny Cadamarteri@Dannycadz
Paul Thirlwell@pthirs
Brad Potts@bradpotts17
Mark Beck@markbeck94
David Symington@davidsyminton28
Jordan Pickford@JPickford1
Danny Redmond@DannyRedmond
Nacho Novo@nnovo1010
Pascal Chimbonda@pascalchimbond1

Official Twitter@officialcufc
Matchday twitter feed@cufckit
CUFC Academy@cufcacademy
Blues Store@CUFCBluesStore
Carlisle United CST@CUFCCST
Blue Yonder@ProjectBlueYond
Business Club@CUBusinessClub
Read Time: 1 mins