SQUARE PASS: New Fantasy Football game

Join up and play - and help the club!

A big thank you to all the Carlisle fans that have donated to the club by playing Square Pass’s Fantasy Football games. 

Over £100 pounds has already been raised ... but it could be so much more, and we need YOU to help us to make that happen!

Square Pass www.squarepass.org is a brand new fundraising initiative set up by four football fans. The website lets fans donate to their club by playing exclusive online football games from anywhere in the world. And with £15,000 in prize money on offer in the Predictor Game it’s no wonder fans from across the globe are signing up to play.

The Square Pass Predictor League game is free to play and works like an odds based virtual bookmaker (no money is involved). You start with 250 virtual credits, for free, to predict which clubs will win their games (you don't need a correct score or pick draws so it’s very easy).  

If you want to donate to Carlisle United all you have do is buy an extra 1,000 credits for just £2.50. Out of this £2.50 the club will receive the vast majority, with only a fraction taken out to cover the prize money and the cost of running the site. As well as the overall league set up you will also be automatically entered into the Carlisle United donation mini-league. 

Here at Carlisle United we fully support Square Pass’s fundraising platform and we'd encourage you to enter their Predictor League and recommend it to other fans.

Media officer Andy Hall said: “Square Pass is the only Fantasy Football game where our fans from anywhere in the World can play against each other and help raise funds for the club. It appears to be a fantastic initiative and we hope our fans give it a go as they help to support the club in this unique way.”    
The Predictor League is currently half way through the season and more than £4,000 has been paid out to weekly winners so far. But don't worry, there's still time to sign up for this season, so get involved and give yourself a shot at the prize money on offer.

Square Pass will also be running a 2014 World Cup Predictor which will have prize money of £1,000 for the winner, £500 for the runner up and £200 for third place. 

There will also be a £200 weekly prize covering all five weeks of the World Cup. This will work in exactly the same way as the usual Predictor League. 

The club will receive £2 from every donation made by Carlisle fans buying extra credits for £2.50 during the World Cup. 

You can sign up now for this at www.squarepass.org/signup.html where you'll also get 250 credits for FREE to play the current Predictor League - so get practicing!
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