NCS: Programme alive and kicking

Spring NCS programme under way

The Carlisle United National Citizens Service (NCS) programme is alive and kicking here at Brunton Park. 

A cohort of 15 sixteen and seventeen year old young people have signed up and undertaken their first activities on the Spring NCS programme. 

On Tuesday 4 March we had 17 students, mainly from Caldew sixth form in Dalston, who took part in a series of warm up activities down at the club that were designed to encourage the young people to get to know each other and develop key leadership, teamwork and communication skills. 

Over the Easter holidays the group will embark on a fun packed residential to the Manor House, Lockerbie, where they will take up many challenges - notably abseiling, archery, a blind trail, zip wire, canoeing and a crate stack. 

The young people will then develop their own social action project, hopefully to help to improve their local community or school, before graduating from the project in summer where they will receive a certificate from the club as well as one signed by the Prime Minister.

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