MANAGER: Play it as it unfolds

Graham Kavanagh on injuries and loan signings

Manager Graham Kavanagh brought us up to date with the latest on loan signings and injuries at his press conference on Thursday morning.

“We've got a couple of players we're trying to bring in and we're just trying to get them over the line at the moment,” he said. “Until they're signed, sealed and delivered we'll just sit tight. 

“I couldn’t really tell you what is going to happen today, if I’m being really honest. I have an idea where we’re going with one of them but you can’t say for definite until it’s done.”

“I think a lot of people will think I’m making excuses but it is genuinely very difficult to get deals sorted,” he continued. “Clubs have their own agenda, as we have, and it can get complicated when it comes to agreeing the financial packages for players. You think it’s done, then it gets side tracked for whatever reason, and you just don’t know where it will go. 

“I’ve learned very quickly that you can talk about it, when it looks to be real, and you end up with egg all over your face if it doesn’t go ahead.”

“It has been difficult to get to this stage but it hasn't surprised me,” he explained. “I'm a bit more accustomed to it all now having experienced the January window. I think it becomes more difficult to get players in as you get past Christmas because clubs are reluctant to let lads go if they've got something to play for.  

“If I can bring players in then it will be to improve us. We won’t have too much time to allow for mishaps and they will have to hit the ground running. The thing with transfer windows is that you could have an hour or two still to go and you suddenly get an interesting phone call. You just don’t know where the day will end so all you can do is play it as it unfolds.”

And on the injury situation, he said: “Paul Thirlwell has been desperately pushing to get himself right and to give me the option of having him in the team. I was obviously concerned just in case anything happened to James Berrett or Brad Potts but I know I’ve got cover. It’s just about what level of cover that is and the quality we have in depth, which is why we want bodies back.

“Thir trained for a full day yesterday for the first time since his injury. He's been out for a good number of weeks now, and he's obviously had his problems with his calves, so it will be a case of nursing him through. He's had a couple of injections to put himself in the frame and his experience will be vital in the games we've got coming up.

“David Amoo had a tear on his hamstring so he’ll be out for a couple of weeks. He’s probably been our best performer in terms of goals and assists and he’s one of the players on the team sheet the opposition fear. He hasn’t been at the same level for these last few games, but that could be because he hasn’t played this number of games in previous years. It needs a level of consistency and he’s getting to an age where he needs to understand what’s required, and he needs to put a little bit more pressure on himself. Hopefully this will give him a bit of a breather and he’ll come back with a fresh energy.
"Liam Noble will see the surgeon in a couple of weeks time and that will give us a better idea of where he's at. Matt Robson is going to see a specialist again today and we might have some news on that in the next day or so. We're hoping that will be positive. 

“Pascal [Chimbonda] ran yesterday but I'm not sure how close he is. We'll have to see if he gets any reaction to that in the next couple of days because he's another who desperately wants to be involved. 

“We did also pick up another couple of injuries on Tuesday night. Lee Miller has got a problem with his groin and he’ll get a scan today. Until we get the results of that we won't know if he'll be available for Saturday.  

“Like I say, it’s been unbelievable but we have to get on with it. We have to readjust and pick the best team we can to get the results we need.”
Read Time: 4 mins