INTERVIEW: An encouraging performance

Paul Thirlwell on the Tranmere game

Team captain Paul Thirlwell spoke to us about the weekend draw at Tranmere shortly after full time on Saturday.

“I think that was probably a decent game to watch,” he said. “They came out and started really quickly and they put us under a bit of pressure.

“We expected that and we weathered the storm for 15 minutes or so. We then grew into the game and we started to create a few chances for ourselves. 

“I felt we were the better team for the second half but we just couldn’t go on to get the goal. Overall it was a very encouraging performance.”

“I’ve played as a centre back before so I was comfortable with the job I had to do,” he told us. “It was slightly different in this one in that I was a third centre back, but I was just pleased to be back out there, to be honest. 

“It’s felt like it’s been a long time in waiting and I’m glad I’m back out there helping the lads to get some results. We wanted the three points but it’s always good to get a point away from home.

“Credit to the young lads in the group because they’re learning week by week. What they lack in experience they bring in energy, and I think we’ve got a good blend in the dressing room. Gary [Madine] came and put a good shift in, particularly when you consider he hasn’t had much football at all. It all looks promising for the weeks ahead.”

“I think this is a one where you would struggle to take any negatives away,” he said. “We want to win every game but they’re all going to be tough at this stage of the season. 

“Swindon will be another difficult one on Saturday but, if we show the same desire and application, and add some quality in front of goal, then we’ll give ourselves every chance of winning it.”
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