CHARITY: Club Chaplain accepts PCUK challenge

Reverend Alun Jones takes on C2C for PCUK

Carlisle United's chaplain is to take on a cross country bike ride to raise money for the club's campaign against prostate cancer.

The Rev Alun Jones will ride the 140 mile Coast to Coast route from Whitehaven to Tynemouth next month.

Alun, who is vicar of  St Herbert and St Stephen Church in Currock in Carlisle, only took to cycling two years ago, after a hip injury meant he could no longer play tennis.

He said: “As chaplain of CarIisle United I know that it has been a difficult season for the club. But we are all aware at United of the greater and more profound suffering that is caused by losing a loved one to prostate cancer or indeed any cancer.

“The ride won't be easy but it's nothing in comparison to having to face up to those difficulties. I'm glad that I'm able to do something like this to help the club's campaign.”

The 61 year old plans to complete the ride in just two days, with an overnight stop in Alston.

Alun has been in regular training, completing 30 mile routes, four times a week between Carlisle and Greystoke.

He's also completed a training route from Carlisle, up the Kirkstone Pass, to Windermere, and returning to the city via Keswick.

He's looking to raise £1,000 through sponsorship with all money going towards Prostate Cancer UK.

Carlisle United's media officer Andy Hall said: “Prostate Cancer UK is the designated Football League charity and it's fantastic that Alun has stepped into help in this way.

“Quite a few clubs are doing a London to Amsterdam cycle ride but it was logistically difficult for us to support that. We spoke about that with Alun, knowing he is a keen rider, and he immediately came up with this idea of completing the Coast to Coast challenge on behalf of the club.

“Hopefully everyone will get behind him for what is a wonderful cause.”

Alun expects to complete the Coast to Coast route on the 5th and 6th June.

He can be sponsored via

You can also text to donate. Text CUFC50 £5 to 70070 to sponsor Alun today. 

For more information about prostate cancer go to
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