INTERVIEW: A really good mix

Gary Dicker on pre-season friendlies and settling in

Midfielder Gary Dicker spoke to us during the fun day at Brunton Park last week about pre-season training and settling in. 

"It's always good to meet the people who support the club," he said. "Fans are the most important part of a football club because they keep it going. Days like this will hopefully get a few more children through the gates and that can only be a positive for the club. 

"Since I've signed I've had a lot of nice messages on twitter and things so it's nice to actually meet the fans for the first time. There's been a lot of new players and I think we've all settled in really well, I don't get nervous coming into a new club anymore and I've enjoyed my time here so far. 

"It was nice to get a game against Southampton on Friday but I did pick up a slight injury. That is frustrating because although nobody likes pre-season it's an important part of the job to make sure you're as fit as you can be for the start of the season. It's a vital part of our preparations and I think everyone has came back in good shape. 

"I think every manager is happy with their squad at the start of the season, it's all about getting the maximum out of everyone throughout the season. We've made a good few signings which are only going to improve the lads who are already here and make everything more competitive. Kav has assembled a good squad and hopefully we can have a good start to the season. 

"All of the pre-season friendlies are important because from day one you're thinking about being in the starting line-up for the first game of the season. The friendlies allow everyone to get pitch time and it allows the gaffer to have a look at you, everyone needs to be pushing each other and that's how it's been in training so far. 

"There is a bit of a buzz around the group already, there's a lot of young lads who were here last year and Kav has brought in a few experienced players so we've got a really good mix in the squad. Everybody is getting along and there's been a lot of the usual banter around the dressing room already, it's been a great two weeks so far."

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