MANAGER: Keep the same philosophy

Graham Kavanagh on getting the best out of the group

Manager Graham Kavanagh spoke to us about getting the best out of the players following last weekend’s disappointing home defeat.

“I’ve reflected on the game, we’ve gone over a few things and we have to say the performance was actually pretty decent,” he said. “We created 18 chances and only scored two whereas they scored four from the six they had. 

“That’s disappointing but I’ve had a few days away on my pro-licence where I was able to think outside the box and come up with a strategy which will hopefully take us forward.”

“We were very disappointed with the defensive display last weekend,” he told us. “It’s been difficult since I took over because I haven’t had the same keeper or back four for two games running. I’m finding that to be frustrating, but it is what it is for number of reasons.

“We still have the same philosophy with how we want to do things and we will continue to play in the manner in which we think will be effective. Individual mistakes have cost us recently and that’s an area we have to address. The players know that and they’re working as hard as they can to make it happen.”

“Changing the mindset is almost a daily job,” he explained. “It’s an ongoing process and one you have to keep chipping away at. We’ve spoken today about collective and individual goals and we almost set out a group contract, if you like, and it’s one we are determined we will stick to. It’s about finding and trying different ways to motivate the group. 

“You need strong leaders in any group and that starts at the top with me. Nobody likes losing games and we want to be at the other end of the table. We want to take as much pressure off the lads as possible so that we can allow them to go out there and play.

“This week has been more a case of trying to put my arm round everyone. I know what confidence can do and we have one or two in the group who are feeling a bit fragile. I’ve tried to reassure them because this group is what it is. It’s not going to change too much even though we are going to try and get some bodies in to give them a helping hand. 

“We want to try and be as clever in the transfer market as we can possibly be because I do think we need to add a little bit of quality. It’s a disruptive time for us, as a club, because of the transfer window and the fact we have loans which are coming to an end. That makes it an uncertain period for everyone.”

“I’d like to bring in three or four new faces but I don’t know if that will happen or not,” he revealed. “The club have been very good in respect of whoever I have asked for they have tried to get. A couple of targets have been missed over the last few weeks but you have to accept that. It’s onwards and upwards and we keep scouting games and trying to see what we can get over the line.

“What we find we have to do is go after the younger players because clubs are prepared to do us a favour for the amount of money we’re spending. They know we’ll look after their players and we’ll give them a platform they don’t already have in giving them games in a League One first team environment. If it works out then the players go on and succeed. That makes it a good situation for everyone.”
Read Time: 4 mins