INTERVIEW: All about getting results

Paul Thirlwell on the Bradford victory

Club captain Paul Thirlwell spoke to us following his return to action in the victory over Bradford City on Tuesday evening. 

"We're all relieved," he admitted. "We're really pleased with the way we went about things because there was a lot of pressure on the lads before the game. 

"Our league position was getting a bit precarious. We know we aren't out of trouble but it was a massive three points for us. The league is so tight that I think we've jumped up four places with the win, which is crazy really. There were only a few teams playing so it was important because it puts some pressure on the teams around us." 

"I did enjoy playing as a third centre back," he told us. "I think three at the back is new for us all but Kav and the staff came up with a really good game plan to combat the threat of Hanson. He wins a lot of headers and he's one that has to be watched. 

"We defended from the front really well, especially in the first half. We really got about them and pressed them and they were just shelling it up to the big man in the end. We created some good chances and Mills [Lee Miller] scored a great goal which meant we went into the break at 1-0 up." 

"You could see from the celebration how much it meant to everyone to see Lee [Miller] score," he said. "He's a really big character in the dressing room and he's great with the young lads so we were all pleased for him. I thought he played really well. He gave us a platform to get up the pitch and when he's like that he's a real handful. 

"His goal was great. I was a bit far away from it, if I'm being honest, but it looked like a really good finish."

"We knew it would be a tough game because although Bradford haven't been winning games they haven't been losing them either," he commented. "I think they've gone behind in a few games but they keep plugging away and putting balls into the box. They did that in the second half but I can't think of many clear cut chances they had and it was great for us to get a clean sheet."

"You're never going to dominate a game for 90 minutes," he admitted. "Even the top teams let the opposition have a spell of pressure and we knew that they'd come at us because of the type of team they are. 

"We felt if we kept our shape and stayed organised then we'd be fine and I think you could tell the lads were really determined to get the three points tonight. We could have got a second goal with David Amoo's chance as well. He's been a revelation for us this season but he's just taken a bit of stick in the dressing room off the lads for that miss at the start of the second half." 

"Our home form has been good and I think I heard someone say we've won seven out of ten at home, which is excellent." he said. "We know we need to address the away form. If we can play in the manner in which we did on Tuesday then I'm sure we'll start picking up points on our travels. 

"We aren't playing like a team who should be around the relegation places, especially at home, but it's all about getting results."

"My injury has been frustrating but I'm a glass half full sort of guy," he told us. "I'm just pleased to be back now. I'd had a great run before I got injured and this was more the frustrating one that I always seem to pick up with my calves. I've just got on with it and made sure I've been right behind the lads. Hopefully I can stay fit until the end of the season now."

"We want to build on what we've done as a team and make sure we take this result forward now," he concluded. "I think we've seen again the importance of getting the first goal. When we go in front in games we're very hard to peg back.

"I'm not sure on the stats this season but last season I don't think we lost a game when we went in front. Lee got his goal and it gave the whole place a huge lift. The game finished off in a bit of a cup tie atmosphere, because they were really coming at us, but we really dug in and I thought we deserved the three points. The aim has to be to do the same at Crawley on Saturday."

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