FANS FORUM: Friday night at BP

Tune in or pop along

Friday night is Fans Forum night at Brunton Park as members of the board of directors join manager Graham Kavanagh in answering questions posed by BBC Radio Cumbria on behalf of the fans.

Andrew Jenkins, John Nixon, Steven Pattison and Norman Steel will represent the boardroom with James Phillips acting as your host as the Forum is broadcast live from the Sunset Suite between 6pm and 7pm on the BBC Radio Cumbria Sports Hour.

"We haven't advertised for questions for this Forum because we've been told by Radio Cumbria that they have already received a huge amount of interest and a full range of queries," media officer Andy Hall said.

"Hopefully those fans who can make it will pop along and ask their questions in person, so it's shaping up to be a very busy hour."

“I think the Forum is a fantastic idea," manager Graham Kavanagh said. "It gives the fans an opportunity to come along and speak to the manager and I know I would absolutely love that if I was a supporter of the club.

"I’m sure there are questions and ideas that people will have and I intend to be as honest and as forthcoming with my answers as I can possibly be. I think people understand that there are constraints that make things difficult at the moment but we are all working and pushing in one direction to try and turn this into a successful club.

"I am genuinely looking forward to meeting people, answering their questions and listening to what they have to say."

Fans Forum, Sunset Suite, Brunton Park, Friday 21 February, broadcast live on BBC Radio Cumbria from 6pm
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