INTERVIEW: Always wanted to sign again

Striker Mark Beck on cementing a place and pushing on from here

Striker Mark Beck gave us his reaction to the news that he'd agreed a new deal to keep him at the club until the summer of 2016 on Thursday afternoon.

“I’m obviously pleased it’s out of the way,” he said. “Deep down I always wanted to sign for the club and it’s been a bit annoying with how it’s dragged on between the club and the agent.

“Thankfully all that’s sorted now and I can concentrate on being a player. It’s a strange situation in a way because you hear back from both sides, and they both ask you what’s going on. All you can say is that you thought they were sorting it out between them and wait to see what happens. 

“That’s exactly what I did. I left it to both parties to sort and I tried to keep my head down and keep working hard on the training pitch. I always wanted to sign again and I just needed to get a bit more security. It’s nice to have it all settled.”

“Being honest, I think it does affect your focus a little bit,” he admitted. “But that’s only away from a match day while you’re waiting to hear what’s going on. That’s when it lingers in your head because you want it over and done with. Once you cross the white line you’re focused entirely on the game. I’m in my fifth year with the club now and I’m happy here, so I don’t think signing the deal was ever going to be an issue.”

As well as the boost of the new offer came comments from the manager to suggest that the young striker could have a glowing career ahead if he continues to develop and improve his game at Brunton Park.

“It’s nice to hear what the gaffer had had to say about me,” he said. “He’s played at the highest level so his opinion matters. When I heard he’d said I could go on to play in the Championship I thought that was something I could do. 

“I’m still only 20 years old and I’ve got a long way to go yet. It’s good to hear someone like the gaffer say that kind of thing because he’s shown a bit of faith in me. Hopefully I can repay him out on the pitch.

“He’s also spoken about areas I need to improve and he’s working on that with me, along with Colin West. They’re constantly looking at ways to improve everyone and they’ve told me what I need to be doing. 

“I think I’ve managed that for them over the last few weeks and I think it’s helping already. It’s about trying to add more pieces to my game and that can only benefit me and the team. He wants me to be the focal point of the attacks and I think I’ve done that quite well when I’ve come off the bench.”

On a week of double sessions, he said: “We’ve worked hard in training. It’s been a good week. We’ve had meetings and stuff and the manager has got into is a bit more, and allowed us to do the same to him, so we know what we all want out of each other. 

“I think this week will help us going forward. It’s been tough physically and mentally. I’m happy to put the hours in to try and get myself back on the pitch, back in the team and back to scoring goals. I’m a centre forward so that’s what I want to be doing.”

And on what we can expect from him going forward, he said: “The fans have seen me in little bursts so far. I was away at Falkirk last year, which gave me a lot of experience, but I think it’s time to cement a place and start playing regular football here. 

“When I went to Scotland I thought my career at Carlisle was coming to an end. I was thinking about other places to go and, having been north of the border, I was even looking at options up there. It shows just what a crazy game football is and how quickly things can change.

“I want a lot more starts and appearances now this is signed because I want to be helping the team. I’m in my fifth year with the club now and I’m happy here. We’re going through a tough period but I’m sure we’ll be fine. 

“There’s enough quality in the side to get out of this situation. Nobody wants to be relegated, especially not twice in a row, but I honestly don’t think that will happen. We’re determined to get out of the mess we’ve put ourselves in.”

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