MANAGER: Change the mindset

Graham Kavanagh ahead of the Peterborough game

Manager Graham Kavanagh spoke to us ahead of the trip to Peterborough on Easter Monday.

“We beat them at home so we know we're more than capable of going there and getting a result,” he insisted. “I watched them two weeks ago and I felt there were areas we could exploit. 

“We'll have a look at who we have available and we’ll see what the players can give us in terms of energy and where we are with injuries. Once we’ve evaluated all of that we’ll look at how we want to play and we’ll set up our game plan accordingly.”

“They’re a good side and they need points to make certain of a play off place,” he added. “They’ve been picking up results at home but we know what we have to do. We need to try and change the mindset in terms of going ahead. 

“We don’t want become too distant from the important areas of the pitch like we did against Walsall. The strikers became too disjointed and we couldn’t get much pressure on the ball. That meant we didn’t get up in support of Gary Madine when he got hold of it. If we can get that part of it right we’ll cause them some problems.”

“It's still all to play for,” he insisted. “I think I’ve got to be realistic and I've got to understand where we are as a group and a team. We've got a heck of a lot of weary bodies and players who are playing with injuries. We've got to regroup, look forward, be positive and go to Peterborough looking to get a result.

“The next game is always the biggest one and it’s no different for us this weekend. The lads were upbeat and in good spirits in training on Saturday and the focus now is on getting a positive result. We all desperately want to stay in the league and everything we do is with that in mind.”
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