COMMUNITY: Penalty shoot-out challenge

CUFC and Virgin Trains back in the city centre

Following the success of the recent Carlisle United challenge appearances, in association with Virgin Trains, we are delighted to announce that our distinctive inflatable will be on show once again in the city centre ahead of the Oldham game on Saturday morning. 

Our instantly recognisable and specially designed penalty shoot-out inflatable – complete with CUFC and Virgin Trains branding – will be positioned on the pedestrian area adjacent to the House of Fraser from 11am to 1.30pm. 

Fans of all ages will be invited to join our Community Sports Trust team, OLGA the Fox and former-United midfielder Chris Lumsdon at the shoot-out, with members of the first team squad in attendance to help with the refereeing duties. 

“We've had a great response to the inflatable and it has certainly been a huge hit with the kids,” deputy managing director Suzanne Kidd said. “We're hoping to see a lot more smiling faces on Saturday morning ahead of what is a vitally important game.

“Once again we will have spot prizes including items from the shop, places on Summer Soccer Schools and some family ticket vouchers up for grabs. We want people to have fun and feel more involved with the club and we think this is going a long way to helping us to achieve that.”

Special prize announcement - enter a prize draw on the day for a chance to win a 2014/15 season Family Season Ticket!!

Our thanks goes to Virgin Trains for their continued sponsorship of this project.

Carlisle United challenge, in association with Virgin Trains - city centre - kick off 11am
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