TREATMENT: Weekly injury update

Latest from the treatment room

Our latest update from physio Neil Dalton is as follows:

Reece James has been with his parent club Manchester United to have treatment on his thigh problem and they are hoping that he will be back in training with his group, down there, by the end of this week. All being well that means that he could be back with us at some point next week. Obviously we will be guided by the medical team at Old Trafford with that.

Paul Black was substituted last Saturday with a minor groin problem because it was one of those where we didn’t want to take any risks. He had a scan earlier this week and we were pleased to find that it’s nothing major for him to worry about. It will keep him out for a week or so and, as with Reece, we decided the best option was for him to get the treatment he needs with his parent club rather than make him travel up and down the country to see us.

Sean O’Hanlon is progressing nicely with his groin problem. We’ve had him out on the pitches doing some rehab work this week and we’ll continue to build that up from here. If things continue to go as they are then we will hopefully look to get him back into full training at some point in the next week or so.

Chris Chantler has worked extremely hard and he is doing really well. He has started with light pitch work and we will be increasing the running side of his rehab at the start of next week. With the amount of time he has missed we will be taking things steadily with him over the next three or four weeks before we start to think about full training. Our initial assessment with him, during the summer, was that we would target December for that but, fingers crossed, we should be able to bring that forward if he continues as he is at the moment. 

Danny Cadamarteri is gradually building his rehab programme up, in close consultation with our surgeon. It’s a frustrating process for him but it’s important, following the procedure he had, that we get things right for him.

Brandon Gwinnutt has missed training the last few weeks with an illness. He started to join in at the end of last week and he has been moving between the first team and youth team groups to help him to build his fitness and sharpness levels up. He should be back in full training by the end of this week. 
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