ACADEMY: Annual photo evening

Details for Thursday evening

Carlisle United Football Club academy will be holding their annual squad photographs and parent's evening on Thursday 12 September. 

Team photos will be taken and individual shots will be available to purchase for each player. Players should arrive at the main reception at Brunton Park 15 minutes prior to their photographs being taken and should be wearing full match kit with football boots. 

Once the team photos are taken players and parents should go up to Foxy's Restaurant where the parent's evenings will be taking place. Parents should bring with them any outstanding medical consent forms and information of any changes in contact details. 

Parents will also be asked to sign off the screening and sports science programmes which will be taking place. Details of this are in the handbook which should have been sent via email - hard copies will be available on the evening. 

We look forward to seeing everyone on the night. 

The timings for the photos are as follows: 

Under 9 - 5pm
Under 10 - 5.15pm
Under 11 - 5.30pm
Under 12 - 5.45pm
Under 13 - 6pm
Under 14 - 6.15pm
Under 15 - 6.30pm
Under 16 - 6.45pm 

Read Time: 1 mins