STADIUM: Zero tolerance approach

Pyrotechnics are NOT permitted

In light of recent high profile incidents involving pyrotechnics - in particular fireworks and flares - at a number of televised fixtures Carlisle United Football Club would like to take this opportunity to remind all visitors to the stadium that the club has a zero tolerance approach to incidents of this nature.

"I think everyone has seen the footage over the past fortnight where fans at home and abroad have used flares and coloured smoke bombs during games," media officer Andy Hall said. "It's worth a reminder, at this time, that we do employ a zero tolerance approach and that pyrotechnics of any kind are not allowed in the ground at any time.

"They raise all kinds of safety issues when used in a partially enclosed environment, such as a football stadium, and our policy is that anyone found in possession of such items, on club property, will be referred directly to the police for further action."
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