INTERVIEW: I was a bit nervous

Liam Noble on the Morecambe game

Midfielder Liam Noble gave us his thoughts on the penalty win over Morecambe on Tuesday night. 

"Penalties are a great way to win a game," he admitted. "Mark [Gillespie] obviously didn't save any but I think the standard of ours was really high." 

"I was a bit nervous walking up to take mine because we hadn't missed one," he admitted. "The lad before me missed so I knew if I scored mine it would give Dave [Symington] a chance to win it for us again. Obviously it didn't get that far but we're all pleased that we won." 

"It was extra special for us on the night because it was right in front of our fans," he told us. "It was a great turnout from them as usual and I love scoring goals for them. 

"With a penalty, I always know in my mind where I'm going to put it before I put the ball down. The keeper was trying to put me off by throwing the ball over my head, which meant I had to wait a bit longer than usual, but I knew where I was going to go so it didn't bother me that much."

And on the process of being chosen, he said: "Kav asked us all if we wanted to take one. I think if it was up to Kav, Sean O'Hanlon wouldn't have been anywhere near first on the list but, to be fair to him, it was a great penalty. I think everybody has to back themselves when it's one-on-one from 12 yards so we're all pleased we managed to put them away."

"We really like this competition and the players do think about Wembley," he admitted. "It's a great day out for everybody connected to the club. The day we won it was one of the greatest moments of my career and it's something I'm really proud of." 

"Confidence is really high at the moment and, to be honest, we're gutted we've got a weekend off," he told us. "We all want to play and keep the momentum going but we'll be raring to go for the Oldham game next Saturday."

The last month has seen a change of management team, of course, and the combative ball winner confirmed that the fresh approach has brought with it a renewed feeling of confidence.

"Kav has made it clear what he wants from us and we're all working hard to do that for ourselves and for the club," he said. "There's a high level of intensity in training and even in the warm ups. I think you can tell during games now that we never feel like we're going to lose. It was a difficult start to the season but I'm really enjoying my football again." 

"I love scoring goals but I haven't quite managed it this season," he said. "I had two shots against Morecambe that were horrible - I think the second one was close to where Mark Gillespie threw his glove on the roof of the stand! I'll keep trying and hopefully once I get one I'll be able to score a few more."

"Like I say, we're all going into games thinking we're going to win them at the moment and that is really important," he said.  "Earlier on in the season some of the lads weren't looking forward to the games because we knew they were going to be difficult. I'm definitely going into every game thinking we're going to get something and that's a brilliant feeling."

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Read Time: 4 mins