INTERVIEW: Caught it on the sweet spot

Lewis Guy on three points at stadium:mk

We spoke to striker Lewis Guy about his excellent first half goal following the victory at MK Dons on Tuesday night. 

"It always seems to be the way when you come back to an old club," he admitted. "Karl [Robinson] actually pulled me before kick off and he said he hoped I had a good game. However, he told me not to score!" 

"I was only here for a year and a half so there wasn't really an added edge for me to be honest," he told us. "It's always nice to come back, though, because you can catch up with the friends you made. I've been chomping at the bit to be involved as well because it's been really enjoyable to watch the lads play over the last few weeks. 

"Kav has given us all a fair crack at it and all you can do is go on and try and stake a claim. I don't think David [Amoo] meant to cross it, but it turned into quite a good pass for me. It came at me quickly and it was quite high, which left me with a fair bit to do, but thankfully I caught it on the sweet spot and it was a good finish."

"Kav has been different class," he continued. "I think we let him down as a group on Saturday because we didn't do half as well as we have been. I thought tonight was the type of performance we know we're capable of. 

"We had a long meeting on Sunday and Kav laid everything out on the table. He told us that we weren't good enough at Oldham and I think we got the reaction we wanted tonight.  

"We had a game plan and we were all very aware of what it was. We stuck to it very well and we got our rewards by doing that."

"Every opportunity I get to play I will do what I can," he said. "I'm not one of those players who thinks I have a right to play every week but, when I get my chance, I'll give everything for the team."

And on the round of applause he received from the fans as he walked from the pitch, he said: "It's always nice to get that type of reaction when you come off. 

"The fans have been good for us even though we had a bad start. They stuck with us and fair play to the ones who travelled all the way down here. I'm pleased we've sent them home with a smile on their face." 

"I've hopefully given Kav something to think about but I won't be sulking if I'm not in the team next week," he concluded. "I'll just keep my head down and try and take every chance I get."

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