INTERVIEW: All sorts of emotions

Davie Irons on the Shrewsbury game

We spoke to assistant manager Davie Irons before the Sunday training session to get his reaction to the amazing end of game events at the Greenhous Meadow on Saturday. 

"We went through all sorts of emotions," he admitted. "We went from losing, to drawing, to winning ... then back to drawing in about five minutes! We were disappointed in the end but I think it was a good point overall. The team showed real character and bravery to get themselves back into it. We hadn't even thought about winning with four minutes to go so, in the end, we've got to be pleased with a point. 

"It keeps the momentum going and we've still only lost one away game all season. The credit has to go to the lads because they're showing hat they're a really tough team to play against away from home." 

"You could see that the players were really disappointed afterwards because we thought we'd won it," he commented. "It's a cliché of a saying but you're at your most vulnerable when you've just scored. That showed to be the case on Saturday. 

"The players know they've let themselves down in that respect because it was a crucial stage of the game. We should have been able to see it out even though there was still five minutes left. I think we've seen in recent weeks that we're well capable of that." 

"It was disappointing that one lapse of concentration cost us a goal," he continued. "The lad did take the goal well, especially at that stage of the game and with so much time to think about it, but we still should have dealt with it better."

"I think people are right in saying that we might have lost that game a month ago," he said. "I think a big part of that is momentum. You can sense that the lads believe they're going to get something out of every game. Rather than thinking about conceding goals, they're concentrating on the things we work on throughout the week. 

"We went with three at the back when we were 1-0 down and we asked the lads to get on the ball and pass it. That's what got us back into it. Kav was determined to get something out of the game and in the past we might have stuck with the four at the back. We moved it this time round to give ourselves the best chance of getting a goal. 

"We actually went back to four at the back once we'd got the first goal but we still felt we'd get another chance. Sean [O'Hanlon] managed to get his head on a corner and after that we thought we'd won it. Unfortunately it wasn't to be." 

"When it got to 80 minutes and we were losing we thought we might as well go for it. The players bought into that and we managed to get the point. The fact that the lads were distraught in the dressing room shows how far we've came in the last few weeks and that is really pleasing. 

"We really had to pick the boys up and focus on the positives after the game but I think the good thing is that we've got another game so soon. That allows us to get back out there and hopefully carry on the run that we've started." 

"The players have done everything we've asked them to and we'll keep pushing them to improve," he added. "In the short time I've been here I can tell that there's a real determination to do well throughout the club and I think we're starting to take things in the right direction."

And on the Sunday morning training session, he said: "It's something we've talked about since we were put in charge. We think it's important to get the lads in to make sure they're recovering after games.

"I think there's been an improvement in fitness levels and I think it's a physiological thing as well. The lads will have lactic acid in their bodies, which we need to get rid of as quickly as possible, especially because we've got a game on Tuesday night. 

"It also gives Dolly a little bit longer to look at any injuries or knocks that the lads might have. Thankfully everybody looks fit and ready to go for Tuesday. I think Sunday's will become very important sessions for us throughout the season. It keeps the lads in the right mindset because it is going to be a long season. 

"In many ways we want it to be a long season. We want to be playing on Tuesday nights because that means we're doing well in the cups and things like that."

"I'm still getting to know the lads but what I've seen so far has been fantastic," he said. "They all want to improve and make themselves better players and they've applied themselves really well in every session we've put on. 

"None of them have had any grumbles about being in on a Sunday and you can see there is a real desire to succeed. They've all bought into everything and the players are doing it all themselves, with just a little bit of guidance from us."

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Read Time: 5 mins