INTERVIEW: Do as well as I can

Craig Roddan on his loan move

Midfielder Craig Roddan spoke to us shortly after signing his one-month loan deal on Thursday morning.

"I knew about six months ago that Carlisle were interested so it was just a case of waiting for the opportunity," he explained. "I'm made up that I've got the chance to come here and play some first team football.

"All I want to do is play, so I'm delighted that Kav has given me the opportunity to do that. As you get a little bit older it does get frustrating playing in the reserves all of the time. Liverpool is a fantastic club and they've helped me a lot, but I need to be playing as much as I can now."

"I played in one of the bounce games at Rangers last month so I already know a few of the lads," he continued. "I came to the game on Tuesday night and I thought it was a really good result so hopefully we can build on that now.

"This is a new challenge and a fresh start for me so it's something I'm really looking forward to. I like to think I'm a creative player, I like to get on the ball and make chances and hopefully help the team score some goals."

"The people at Liverpool have told me to come here and be myself," he told us. "They've said if I do that then the type of player I am should shine through. Kav has told me to relax and enjoy my football and hopefully I can do well for him."

"This is the first time I've been out to play first team football so it's something I'm really looking forward to," he confirmed. "It's also the first time I've been away from Liverpool, so I have had a few nerves, but the lads here have made me feel really welcome. I've trained with them a couple of times already so I already feel like I've settled in."

And on his influences at Anfield, he said: "Alex Inglethorpe and Rodolfo Borrell have been really good with me down there. They've both done a lot for me during my time there and Alex is a brilliant manager. Liverpool is a fantastic place to learn your trade because you're training with players who have real quality. However, this is the next challenge and I just want to do as well as I can."

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