INTERVIEW: We want pace and flair

Manager on his hopes for the squad

United manager Greg Abbott today gave us his assessment of what he wants from his squad next season.

“I think the ideal would be for us to add a bit of pace and flair to the mix,” he said.

“I’d like to see us playing quick, attacking football if that is at all possible with the players we are able to recruit. We do want to entertain and we’d love to have the best footballing team in the division. However, that’s an easy statement for us to make. The task for us is to put that into practice. That will come down to the players who are out there and available and who are prepared to come to the club.”

“We do know we want pace, certainly in wide areas,” he continued. “We’ll be trying as hard as we can to get that. 

“If we do get the players we want in the positions we just mentioned then we can all be really excited. It’s my job to work hard right now to bring that together for us. I need 22 players who are all ready to do a job in the first team. We can’t afford to carry people so we need to assemble a squad which will have players fighting for the shirt in every position.” 

“It is really difficult to do the job at the moment but that will always be the case,” he said. “Times are hard across the country and revenue streams are drying up all over the place. 

“Fans still want their team to be successful, and rightly so, because they invest their time and money in giving their support. I think we have supporters here who will be really forgiving if they feel their team is working as hard as it can. 

“If they see us trying to do things in the right way they will give us all the support we need. There will always be people who will be impatient, and you have to deal with that, but all you can do is stay true to what you believe and prove to people that the pathway you have set out will work.”

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