CHARITY: Olga slides into Brunton Park

Eden Valley Hospice event a success

Scores of brave volunteers took the slippery slide along a mammoth zip wire at Brunton Park today as fine folk from near and far joined forces to raise much-needed cash for our very own Eden Valley Hospice.

And club mascot Olga led the way with a daring plunge which left her tail in her throat as she whipped along the wire.

Our foxy fox was all smiles when it was all over - but admitted to more than a few nerves as 'jump-off' time approached.

"It's fantastic to do but I was very nervous," she admitted. "But once you take the leap it's great fun and I'm really pleased that I got to do it.

"I managed to raise £210 towards the hospice which is the most important thing."

Everyone who took part agreed that this was a fantastic event and fingers are crossed that it was a bumper fundraising day.

For a gallery of images from the event, click HERE.

For more information on the Eden Valley Hospice click HERE.
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